Ibogaine In popular culture
Ibogaine – In popular culture Ibogaine first appeared in popular culture in the writings of [...]
Ibogaine Research
Ibogaine research An ibogaine research project was funded by the US National Institute on Drug [...]
Ibogaine – Legal status
Ibogaine Legal status Ibogaine and its salts were regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug [...]
Ibogaine Psychoactive effects
At doses of around 3–5 mg/kg of body weight, ibogaine has a mild stimulant effect. The [...]
Drug Coffee is the most widely used psychoactive drug beverage in the world. In 1999 [...]
Ibogaine Pharmacodynamics
Ibogaine Pharmacodynamics Among recent proposals for ibogaine mechanisms of action is activation of the glial [...]
Ibogaine Formulations
Ibogaine formulations In Bwiti religious ceremonies, the rootbark is pulverized and swallowed in large amounts [...]
Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive substance found in a number of plants, principally in [...]
Ibogaine Recreational use
Ibogaine Recreational use Casual use of ibogaine in a social or entertainment context is nearly [...]
History of Ibogaine
The History of Ibogaine It is uncertain exactly how long iboga has been used in [...]