Tag: Addiction

Ibogaine In popular culture
Ibogaine – In popular culture Ibogaine first appeared in popular culture in the writings of [...]
Iboga Root Bark
Iboga Root Bark is a yellowish root of the Iboga tree which contains beneficial alkaloids, [...]
Documentary maker may film his own death
Documentary maker may film his own dead AN ACCLAIMED documentary maker has admitted that he [...]
Breaking addiction at home
Breaking addiction using Ibogaine can now be done at home. [...]
Ibogaine Session
Ibogaine Session An hour after administration the person will express a desire to lay down [...]
Cheap Ibogaine treatment
Cheap Ibogaine treatment Ibogaine is a cheap and effective treatment for addiction. Iboga World Iboga Treatment [...]
No withdrawal symptoms
No witdrawal symptoms Ibogaine is an amazing cure for addiction with no withdrawal symptoms, It’s [...]