Taking Iboga is a most challenging experience

Taking Iboga is a most challenging experience

I have to thank Michelle and Iboga World for doing, with competence and courage, this amazing job: making Iboga available to everyone.
Everyone can have a deep spiritual experience and acquire life-changing awareness.

Taking Iboga is a most challenging experience but a most rewarding one, a real turning point experience. It heals deeply and slowly but surely. In comparison with Ayahuasca, a great Master Plant, we could say: “Ayahuasca gives helps, substantial helps. Iboga heals.”

I am very grateful and honored to get in touch with this Spirit. I might not repeat the session, but I surely will take some microdoses to continue with the learning and the healing in some intensive way.
After two months, I still feel connected with the Spirit and I will always be.

Taking Iboga is a most challenging experience

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