Tag: ibogaworld

Public health definitions
Public health definitions Public health practitioners have attempted to look at drug abuse from a [...]
Chemistry of Ibogaine
Chemistry of Ibogaine Recent studies have shown that the primary metabolite from Ibogaine itself interacts [...]
Ibogaine TA 8 gram Price per gram $57.50
Ibogaine TA 8 gram IbogaWorld Ibogaine TA 8 gram Guaranteed High Quality Tabernanthe Ibogaine TA [...]
What is It Ibogaine?
What is It Ibogaine? Ibogaine is the psychoactive alkaloid from the root bark of the [...]
Ibogaine TA 5 gram Price per gram $61.50
Ibogaine TA 5 gram IbogaWorld Ibogaine TA 5 gram Guaranteed High Quality Tabernanthe Ibogaine TA [...]
Affordable drug treatment
Affordable Drug Treatment Ibogaine is an affordable and effective natural drug treatment. [...]
Ibogaine Binding profile
Ibogaine Binding profile Ibogaine has affinity (Ki) for the following sites in decreasing order of [...]
Ibogaine Metabolites
Ibogaine Metabolites Ibogaine is metabolized in the human body by cytochrome P450 2D6, and the [...]
Ibogaine Pharmacology
Ibogaine Pharmacology The pharmacology of ibogaine is quite complex, affecting many different neurotransmitter systems simultaneously.Because [...]
Ibogaine In popular culture
Ibogaine – In popular culture Ibogaine first appeared in popular culture in the writings of [...]