Ibogaine Treatment for Suboxone and a Continuum of Care Plan Equals Recovery

Ibogaine Treatment for Suboxone and a Continuum of Care Plan Equals Recovery

But to me it’s simple. All the hobbies and good things in my life that Suboxone and alcohol took from me. That I stopped doing and I filled my time with drinking. I’m just gonna flip it back.

Now, I’m going back to filling my time with constructive activities. (dramatic piano melody) – [David] Okay, Mr. Matthew. – Yes sir. – [David] Tell me how you’re doing. – I’m doing great. – I want you to talk about you know, how we started as you know, a program to help people .

– [Matthew] Correct. – [David] And you heard some of this. – [Matthew] Yes. – [David] I think there are people’s host and God, but I heard a lot of thing. – [Matthew] Fear monger. – [David}] I mean c’mon, people come here and they think we’re gonna– their whole life they’re addicted, maybe they think we’re gonna raise their kids, deal with their wives or their husbands.

We’re gonna, we’re going to– – [Computer Voice] Nine, seven, two. Five, zero, three. – [David] Right, and we’re going to maybe if it works, they’re gonna cross and Ibogaine gonna take care of all their problems.

– Right. – [David] What do you think? – What do I think? – [David] Yeah. – Well I think for me, um, coming here you know my expectations were just to get a clean slate. A second chance, you know, to get off the Suboxone and because of the Suboxone I became a full-blown alcoholic.

And I got that and more but I don’t expect it to end here. You know, that’s just the new beginning. My time here ends today but I have the rest of my life to– – Are you that honest? – No. – Do you feel that if you have (mumbles) – I have no cravings.

– Bravo, are you having anything for Suboxone problem? – Not at all, after my first treatment I didn’t have any. – Believe me. – And no more depressants. – I wanna tell everybody. After the first treatment, the reason I do two treatments or three treatments, it’s not because to get rid of the Suboxone.

The first time you get them, and I give you that formula, Suboxone is gone. – Yeah, it felt great. – The treatment is to get your body, your brain back in shape, and get rid of lot of diseases, probably would have come! So, you go home with the only thing left for you to do is to get rid of your habits.

– [Matthew] Exactly. – That’s what the rehab was supposed to do. What is rehab means? – [Both] Rehabilitation. – But it is short, rehab, which means take the rehab, the habit, away, not to give them Suboxone.

– Right. – And, so I spoke to somebody yesterday, he says to me, “You know, I’ve been clean for two years.” You’re clean so why you gonna come here? “Oh, I’m Soboxone, just want to get rid of.

” Really, so you think you’re clean? I say you are taking heroine plus crazy blue, I call it. – Right. – Methadone, some may think it’s same thing. So, I mean, people come here and they don’t understand, this is, we hand you your life back.

– [Matthew] Exactly. – [David] You don’t have withdrawal and you don’t have craving, don’t have any cravings. – [Matthew] No, no, no. – [David] What you have is the mental part that is habit, and you gotta broke a new habit now that you don’t shove a pill, take a drink, to get rid of problems, deal with it! This is like, I don’t deal with problems, I mean, tell people, how many hours am I working here? 18 hours, 16 hours sometimes! – I don’t know, when I go to bed, you’re still working, so I don’t know.

– So, what are you planning to do when you get back? – Oh man, the short of it would be, I still want to go to AA meetings and NA meetings, but to me it’s simple: all the hobbies and good things in my life that Suboxone and alcohol took from me that I stopped doing and I filled my time with drinking, I’m just gonna flip it back.

Now, I’m going back to filling my time with constructive activities. – Like? – Exercising, eating healthy. – [David] Do you have any things you like to do? – [Matthew] I don’t know, a long time ago, yeah, I used to like fishing, and golfing, I did all kinds of stuff, but that all changed when– – [David] When you became encumbered.

– [Matthew] Exactly. – [David] No feeling, nothing. – [Matthew] No, nothing. – Even from the, I talk to, I say that– – I didn’t want to do anything. I wasn’t excited when I woke up in the morning, I was like, “Here’s another day I gotta make it through.

” Where now, I’m excited, you know, I want to go do stuff, I have energy back and motivation and– – [David] I wanna tell you, you told me that you saw the same thing I saw, right, this test they gave me, this scientific thing.

– With the water. – How the molecular of the water, the plants, the seeds, change from being beautiful when people talks positive and they become ugly and rotten, and I gotta tell you, I’ve experienced mental abuse, so the cactus that was flourishing from the negative person in that room, the cactus rotted, it just died, rotted.

60% of our body’s water. So you imagine, when you talk negative, what happens to you. All your molecules water in your body become negative. – [Matthew] I think it’s simple: you get back what you put out, like the water, the study that we were talking about, the same one, it was just stay wrote on the bottom, and frozen, you know, they wrote, “Sad,” “Mad,” you know, negative things and then when they wrote happy things on there, it completely changed the structure of the molecular structure.

– The different was like a beautiful star, the different was like a monstrous looking molecular, or seed, flattened. – Mmhmm. – So, what do you think you gonna works at, anything left for you to do after you leave here? – Of course, this is just the beginning, now it’s up to me to make, you know– – [David] You have free choice, you gotta take your free choice and go work on yourself now.

– [Matthew] Ideally, yeah. – [David] My god, I’m 69 almost, I’m still working on myself, fixing my characteristics. – [Matthew] Right. – And, talking maybe sometimes with abrupt, and I haven’t made it, when somebody says it, so you right, I gotta fix myself.

That’s what we’re in this world, to fix ourselves, otherwise there’s no reason for you to be here. You think you take the Ibogaine, or take this process of this Ibogaine and that every– for all the formulas that we have developed here to give you to go become an angel and fly in the air.

– [Matthew] Not just do nothing. – [David] And you’re not gonna get stomachaches ever. – [Matthew] Headaches. – [David] See the medic, never feel weak, feel tired. That’s what I hear! So we here have more choice but shut down this support group that we created to support people and it turn into complaining department (laughs).

– Right, yeah. – So, now you giving people few days to see change and you know, people who aren’t positive like you, I say why aren’t you coming here, I say, “I don’t wanna listen to this negativity.

” – Yeah, that’s why I don’t look at it. It’s contagious. – It’s contagious, but you told me yesterday something: “If you want to be positive, hang around– – Positive people.

” – And if you hang around negative people– – Negative, you know, same thing. – Look, I really think you’re gonna do well, very good. I told you yesterday, I can give you examples of people that were like nothing in the company, okay, Bill, they were almost fired.

Today the guy is almost president of this big oil company. The other one became head of the hedge fund, big hedge fund for being a little clerk. Why? They brain start working, the guys’ talent and self confidence, everything came back and he worked on himself.

– Right. – What do you thinking, we just hand you the world and you don’t have to work anywhere, you don’t have to do any boop? – Right. – The only think you have to do, you have free choice, make it right choice, get rid of the habit, okay? We put this program and put and we’re going to send people to the other centers and some other things, and I’m saying to myself, “What am I doing that for? For what?” They think we’re making many profit out of it, he’s not making any enjoyment off that.

The treatment, he is even making money off the damn treatment? (scoffs) You treating people three times, every time they watch, give them boosters, talk to them, why do I do this, really? – I don’t know, I need it.

(laughing) I know you don’t, but I did. – Anyway, I do it ’cause people like you, ’cause I want you to, that’s why I do it. – Awesome. – Well, my friend, have a good trip. – Thank you, sir.

– God bless you. – Appreciate it, likewise. – I hope you just go and save other lifes. – I would say, “See you again,” but I hope not because– (laughing) – Well no, I take this treatment sometimes once a year.

– Yeah. – Too, for anti-aging. – So, you may see me. – No, you don’t have to, you’re young, but you can come in a couple years, or something, for your boosters– – Sure. – God bless you. – Likewise, take care, thank you.

(dramatic music) but to me it’s simple all the hobbies and good things in my life that suboxone and alcohol took for me that I stopped doing and I filled my time with drinking I’m just gonna flip it back now I’ll be going back to filling my time with constructive activities [Music] okay mr.

Matt see you sir tell me how you doing great I want you to talk but you’re not we started a program to help people support you heard something yes thank God I guess what I heard about your mother I mean come on people coming in it and they think googly their whole life protected maybe they’ll raise their kids deal with their wives or their husbands relate to – right and we’re going to maybe in the world different awesome I’ve even taken all the problems right what do I think yeah I think for me coming here um you know my my expectations were just just to get a clean slate a second chance you know they did off just suboxone because of the suboxone I became a full-blown alcoholic and and I got that and more but I don’t expect it to end here you know that’s just me beginning my time here ends today but I have the rest of my life – are you a lot no cravings do you have anything for us about some problem not at all after after my first treatment.

I didn’t have they even me and my anthem have no more depressants I want to tell everybody after the first treatment reason I do to change the three treatments it’s not because to get reduced abuse about the person gives you an IEP that formula Sebastian is fun yeah you’re in the treatment to get your body you’re bringing back in shape and I get to the full bottle disease problem is you go home with the only thing left for you to do exactly that’s what the rehab was supposed to do what is reality rehabilitation but in the short rehab between the stage there we have the habit away not to give them suboxone and people I spoke to something yesterday just to me know have been clean for two years so what do you wanna bet.

I’m so excited really so if the Utley I see you’re taking here in plus present my : working methalone subsidy that is so I mean people come here and if I understand this your life back exactly you don’t have to draw and you’re not pray don’t tell me crazy what you have is the mental part that is [Music] that you don’t shove a pill or drink drink together problems yes this is like what I don’t do a problem did you tell tell people how many hours wait am i working 18 hours 16 hours I go to bed you’re still working I don’t know so you what are you planning to do there’s the short of it would be I still want to go to meetings and NA meetings but to me it’s simple all the hobbies and good things in my life that suboxone and alcohol took for me that I stopped doing and I filled my time with drinking I’m just gonna flip it back now I’ll be going back to filling my time with constructive activities like exercising eating healthy a long time ago I used to like fishing and golfing I mean I did all kinds of stuff but that all changed when you begin to improve yeah even I told them I didn’t want to do anything I wasn’t excited when I woke up in the morning I was like there’s another day I gotta I gotta make it through you told me you saw the same thing yes I enough scientific thing with the world how the middle of the world the planets deceit change from being beautiful when people talks positive and they become ugly and button and I gotta tell you we experienced it obviously the cactus yeah that was flourishing from the person negative person not the cactus rotted they just died right 60 percent of our body is water right so imagine when it took negative what happens if all of the indicators water in your body become elated I think it’s simple what you get out you get back what you put out like the water the study that we were talking about that same one it was just they wrote on the bottle and froze it you know they wrote sad mad you know negative things and then when they wrote happy things on there it completely changed to the structure nobody eternity was like a beautiful star months it must just be molecular see [Music] so what do you think it works is anything left for you to do after you and of course this is just the beginning now it’s up to me to you know get her features and you gotta take your choice my god I’m $69 I’m still working on myself it’s in my characteristics we’re talking maybe sometimes Ruby bra somebody says I see you’re right I gotta fix myself that’s what we are in this world to fix ourselves otherwise it was no reason to be do you think I only get take the ibogaine or take this process of society and that every throw all the formulas that we have developed over here to give you to her become an angel and flying in the air to announce to nothing I anomaly get stomachaches ever remember a week tired that’s what I hear so we are I have no choice but shut them this support with the really to support people in only turning to complaining Department right so now giving people few days to to see change and I you know people pacified you I said why don’t you come and say I don’t wanna listen to this nigga yeah that’s right all the time it’s contagious its contagious but you told me you say something if you want to be a positive hanging around positive people and you if you didn’t hang around negative people I really think he’s gonna do well very good I told you yesterday I hope I can even make samples people okay bill they were almost fine today the guys almost president of this big work the other one became its head of the hedge bigoted for being a little truck why the press are working the guys talent and self countenance everything came back and he worked on himself right what do you think I’m gonna just hand you the world I didn’t have to work anymore never knew the only thing you have to do you have free choice make the right choice get rid of that we put this program and put and we’re going to just send it back through some other to some other things I say to myself what am I doing that for what they think were about making any profit out so we can determine out that the treatment is even making money and understand treatment it should be plus three times there when they watch you know boosters talk but it is anyway I did lose do to me okay should I want you to that’s why it’s awesome well I my friend have a good trip thank you sir but less leisure likewise I hope you just school and city life I would say see you again I do it like I think miss treatment want something yeah.
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